Ranger, Namesake of Ranger Productions

Our wonderful Shiloh Shepherd "Ranger" is pictured above.   Ranger Productions is the web site design segment of GlobalSpan.net (a hobby, not a business!).  Ranger Productions is named in Ranger's honor.  To see the pages we have designed, please visit GlobalSpan.net.

Shiloh Shepherds are a wonderful American rare breed known for their intelligence, mellow temperaments, and giant size.  They are descended almost entirely from the old-style German Shepherd Dog, with a little Malamute included for size and bone.  Ranger was bred by Raid the Wind Kennels. 

To visit Ranger's web page, click on his picture above.  To trace his pedigree back to the first German Shepherd Dog, visit Ranger's pedigree website.  Ranger is an original Shiloh Shepherd registered with the International Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club (ISSDC).


Website by GlobalSpan.net